Here are some graphics inspired by plants.
Here are some clips from motion graphics networks I've built in TouchDesigner. The bottom right GIF is video is a shot of my graphics projection mapped onto an installation.
Below are some more art projects inspired by our relationship with the physical and digital world and material life-cycles. Ideas and source material are repeated across mediums. My approach to my art practice is similar to my approach to living - reduce, reuse, regenerate.
Below are some more art projects inspired by our relationship with the physical and digital world and material life-cycles. Ideas and source material are repeated across mediums. My approach to my art practice is similar to my approach to living - reduce, reuse, regenerate.
↓ "A memory from travels to my grandma's 80th bday" ↓
↓ "A memory from travels to my grandma's 80th bday" ↓
↓ Painting of digital space ↓
↓ Painting of digital space ↓
see some of my older work at this old website here